Frequently asked questions

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Is it safe to send you my IaC (CloudFormation, RM, Terraform, etc) templates?
Yes, if you're doing them right they should not contain any sensitive information. If you can commit them to the code repository on GitHub or Gitlab, you can send them to us. We don't store them long term, only process for analysis. The information we extract from them is not being communicated to other customers or third parties. If you don't know how to scrub them from sensitive information contact us at the contact address to the left and we'll help you free of charge. You can also send a request for NDA or send your own NDA for us to sign. We'll happily do so.
Is it safe to send you my cloud bill?
Yes. Your bill will not be stored long term, the contents will not be communicated to other customers or third parties without your consent and bills do not contain any sensitive information. You can even scrub the name of the company from them and leave only the account number, we just need any unique ID.